Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. People use them as a speed contest, interview prep, company training, university coursework, practice problems, or to challenge each other.
In addition to a global leaderboard that fills up in about 10 minutes each account also has a private leaderboard connected to it. Different people solve the problems in different ways and at different times. I thought it was interesting enough to plot some graphs on how exactly the solving times differ between members of the same leaderboard.
This is a frontend-only app written in Nuxt. It uses your browser's Indexed Database to store any data it persists over refreshes. For charting the site uses highcharts.
The code for this project is hosted on All the generated static files are hosted on the branch gh-pages and served using Github Pages.
If you enjoy programming challenges and puzzles, I invite you to check out my encryption based puzzles on my blog.